Time to think

Oliver came home yesterday. Only to run out and work again but at least i didn’t have to sleep alone. I don’t think I’m made to sleep alone.

I went to the doctor to check up my stomach – bit of a fail since this was a registration appointment and she didnt want to hear about my stomach. Only my height, how much i exercised and if i smoked. Guess i’ll have to go back. Failure was met by winning when Oliver and me went to the Havelock to eat lamb salad. I tried to get a good picture for my other blog project but that was a fail. Again.

Ended evening in sofa with True Blood.

I would say

Life – me         2 – 2

 Looks like I have a gigantic, white baby in my lap.

 Thats a man who is happy that he gets the entire bread basket to himself.

Doesnt make the food justice. It was delicious.

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